AIC Vic is a membership organisation for licensed conveyancers.
Membership applies to individual licensees of conveyancing practices. Businesses are unable to become members.
Licensed conveyancers can join as Licensed Business Owners. Employees of conveyancing firms and law firms, either licensed or unlicensed, can join AIC Vic as Employee members.
Legal practitioners are welcome to become affiliate members.
A probationary period of 6 months applies to all new members.
Member Categories
Licensed Business Owner – Plus Two
A Licensed Business Owner – Plus Two is a Licensed Conveyancer who owns and/or operates a conveyancing business as a sole director or with other directors (either licensed conveyancers or not) and employs conveyancing staff.
The Licensed Business Owner – Plus Two may add two unlicensed staff members under their membership.
Any further Licensed Conveyancer directors of the same business must join AIC Vic at a reduced rate. Directors are not entitled to be employee members or “plus staff”.
Licensed Business Owner – Sole
A sole business owner is a Licensed Conveyancer who owns and operates a conveyancing business as an individual and does not employ staff.
An employee member is employed as a Conveyancer in a Conveyancing practice or a legal firm and may or may not hold a conveyancing licence OR is a Licensed Conveyancer who is employed in a related industry involved in the advancement of the profession.
Associate Categories
A student is any person enrolled in a current recognised tertiary course acceptable to the committee, including the Advanced Diploma of Conveyancing, Associate Diploma of Business (Legal Practice), or other related degrees as deemed appropriate.
An affiliate is any other person involved in the conveyancing industry including current legal practitioners.
Staff are unlicensed staff employed by a Licensed Business Owner Plus Two member and who work under the control of the member in accordance with the definitions in the Fair Work Act. It does not include such persons as other business owners or directors of the business owned by the Licensed Business Owner member, Licensed Conveyancer staff, consultants, independent contractors and locums.
Staff can only be joined by their employer under the Licensed Business Owner – Plus Two category.
For retired conveyancers who want to keep in touch with the industry, the retired membership offers access to AIC VIC’s Magazines and Newsletters, as well as member pricing for events.
The retired membership category is offered to members upon request.
Membership Fees
Quarterly by automatic direct debit on 1 October, 1 January, 1 April and 1 July each year.
Retained Solicitor
Licensed business owner members (corporate and individual) are able to use the services of AIC Vic’s retained solicitor. The cost of this service is $600 pa payable quarterly at the same time as the normal fees.